something for everyone
We need your help! Come join us for 1 zoom board meeting a month and help make decisions and help where you can. Board positions, President, VP are all open for 2025 (Jan - Dec). Email us asap to help. rmbch.info@gmail.com
Rocky Mountain BCH are a volunteer group of equine enthusiasts who work to keep the trails open for all in Colorado. Sure you can saw trees but there are plenty of other things for those who can't. Come walk the trails with us, cook some pancakes for a work event, write a trail ride report article or just come join some good company at the camp with other trail lovers. All BCH chapters are work organizations BUT there are so many different ways to do work these days! We provide support in many areas of Colorado. Anywhere our members are is an opportunity to serve. Some of those areas are Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Canon City, Calhan, Monument, Westcliffe, Trinidad and more. The Pikes Peak region, Sangre de Christo, Wet Mountains and Spanish Peaks are some of the areas we support. We are a member of the national BCHA (Back Country Horsemen of America) as well as BCHCO (Back Country Horsemen of Colorado)
How can we help!
Email: rmbch.info@gmail.com
Address: P.O. Box 92 Canon City, CO 81215
RMBCH is a 501(c)3 organization, tax ID #84-1192608.
We have open volunteer positions. If you would like to volunteer for a board position in '25 (president, vp, board at large) please send to rmbch.info@gmail.com along with where you'd like to help!
President / Communications Team / Youth
Other interests: I am a mom of athletes and work a full time job in Pueblo, so my hobbies are few and far between, but I love reading, hiking, camping and spending time with my family
Board Member / Certified Trails Crew Leader
Other interests: Trail advocacy
Secretary / Communications Team / Public Lands Committee Chair / Membership / Volunteers
Other interests: I love almost anything that people are willing to share with me! A few things I really enjoy are mtn biking, climbing, scuba, sangria :), new cultures.
CO BCH State Reps
Leslie M